Jay and Dunc let us know how embarrassing kids can REALLY be
Rock Drive
Rock Drive

Jay and Dunc let us know how embarrassing kids can REALLY be

Absolutely no filter.

If you’ve got kids, there’s a huge chance you’ll have at least one story from when they embarrassed you. It’s inevitable with their developing minds, and Jay and Dunc went on to share some of our listeners' ones. Have a look below.

Just a few here for ya to read: 

One kid was asked to tell the class what their parents do for a living - Joe spoke up and said his mum smoked weed. Couldn’t have mentioned the fact she was a nurse that saved lives?

One little girl picked her nose and ate it just as the Governor-General of New Zealand was about to shake your hand.

Someone's son was flying his toy matchbox car while walking around Rotovegas. He proceeded to go around an elderly lady while hollering, “Get out of the way, biiiiiish.” Did we mention he was three? 

A son who had zero sense of, well, what’s an actual toilet, shat in a display bathroom. As you can imagine, the parents made a SHARP exit. 

During a friend's family gathering, someone’s son climbed up on a chair and opened a high cupboard and all of his dad’s adult magazines fell out in front of every single person in the room. 

Check out the full yarn below