'No pressure': Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi confirms new solo album, his first in two decades

'No pressure': Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi confirms new solo album, his first in two decades

But he's in no rush to release it.

Black Sabbath legend Tony Iommi has confirmed he’s cranking out a third solo album, and it’s been a long time coming. 

In a recent chat with Full Metal Jackie on her US radio show, Iommi dropped the news that he’s deep into creating what will be the latest solo project after his 2005 album ‘Fused’.

When asked what he's been up to, Tony said: "I am writing stuff now for my own, for an album. So that's exciting too.”

As for whether it's gonna be a full-blown record or just some singles, Tony revealed that he’s all in: "No, I'm gonna do a record. And I've got a lot of stuff. But now we're actually getting around to sort of putting it together, myself and the engineer.”

“It's been fun. And that's what it's all about, really. I'm looking forward to actually doing it and an album coming out."

“And there's no pressure,” he added. “I just do stuff when I feel like it, because, obviously, I've got a life to live and I like to do all the different stuff.”

“But I've really enjoyed doing this stuff, as I did with Ozz when I'd done a couple of tracks for his last album ['Patient Number 9'], which was good, to work with Ozz again,” he continued.

Tony Iommi’s first solo album, ‘Iommi’, was released over two decades ago in October 2000 and was packed with tracks including legends like Ozzy Osbourne, Bill Ward, Billy Idol, Dave Grohl, Henry Rollins, Skunk Anansie’s Skin, Serj Tankian, Brian May, Matt Cameron, Billy Corgan, and Ian Astbury.

‘Fused’ followed five years later and his latest release was the track 'Scent of Dark', in November 2021.

Unfortunately, he didn't divulge when we'll hear album #3, but we know we're keen on getting our ears on it sooner rather than later.