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Learner driver crashes into pole and flips car in driving test

CCTV footage has shown the gnarly moment a learner driver accidentally hits a pole and flips the car during a learner driver test.

CCTV footage has shown the gnarly moment a learner driver accidentally hits a pole and flips the car during a learner driver test. 

The footage, shared by the BBC, shows a learner driver taking their practical driving test in Buenos Aires, Argentina - and is a perfect 30 second tutorial on how not to drive. 

The footage starts off with the driver, a 63-year-old woman, turning around a corner and driving over a significant part of the curb, before braking slightly to take the next corner. So far, already not good… but it gets much worse. 

The learner driver then drives over another curb and onto the grass, before hooning towards a pole, smashing into it, and causing the car to flip on its side. No good man.

Thankfully the driver only suffered minor injuries from the crash.

Following the collision, the LanĂºs General Director of Civil Defense Rodrigo Patiño told reporters, "the woman became nervous while performing a manoeuvre and, as a result, collided with a planter and a lamppost. This caused her vehicle to spin and she became trapped inside."

It goes without saying the woman did not pass the test - have a watch of the incident up top.