'Why even try?': Linkin Park fans divided as band teases comeback without Chester Bennington
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Rock News

'Why even try?': Linkin Park fans divided as band teases comeback without Chester Bennington

A 100 hour countdown is getting everyone worked up.

Linkin Park could reunite for a 2025 tour with a new vocalist, and it's got fans torn right down the middle.

The band’s got a live stream running on their YouTube channel, with a timer that’s set to wrap up in less than 24 hours.

Fans reckon that when it hits zero, we’ll get an official reunion tour announcement. The first without Chester, who passed away in 2017 aged 41.

The late Linkin Park singer tragically took his own life, after being open about his mental health struggles and depression prior to his death. 

Not everyone is stoked on the news though, with many thinking the band - and Chester's - legacy should be left untouched.

“Honestly, if Linkin Park announces a new singer tomorrow, I'm about to be livid,” One fan wrote on X.

“Just make a different band, man. Like, realistically, why even try to live up to Chester? He set the bar way too high, and that's not even a knock at other vocalists,” they added. 

Another is calling the potential of a replacement vocalist “a slap in the face”.

“They should let the legacy be what it is, and reform under a new name if they get another singer,” they wrote.

A third said: “I do not want a Linkin Park reunion tour. Chester was the heart of the band, you can't have LP without him.”

Meanwhile, others reckon it’s time, and that the band’s probably thought long and hard about it. 

“Whatever happens or doesn't happen with Linkin Park, it costs nothing to be kind and respectful,” a dedicated fan page wrote. “As difficult as these 7 years have been for fans, that is nothing compared to what Linkin Park has been through as a band.”

Another agreed: “We're never going to get Chester back, and that shouldn't be what this is about. But I have a strong feeling Chester would want his bandmates and friends to continue playing, making music.”

“I think it could be a beautiful way to honour Chester's life.”

“Over the years, I‘ve learned to trust their decisions to be the right ones for the band and for me as a fan,” wrote a third.

Still, whoever may potentially step into Bennington’s shoes has a massive job in front of them.

The announcement is set for around 6 am NZT tomorrow morning.

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